@1:58 instead of 8/2023, should be 12/2023
the left ring he is wearing on 1/2020 @0:28 is gone by his latest appearance @3:00
as soon as you see steve letts talk at the agm you think to yourself “oh my, what’s happened to him?.
his hand has plasters and his skin doesn’t look healthy, like he has inflammation or something serious going on.. he had put on weight and is all bloated and puffy .
his skin really doesn’t look good, the kind of inflammation many people notice after the experimental covid vaccines.. there have been very high numbers of people reported inflammation after the experimental covid vaccines.
@1:58 instead of 8/2023, should be 12/2023
the left ring he is wearing on 1/2020 @0:28 is gone by his latest appearance @3:00
as soon as you see steve letts talk at the agm you think to yourself “oh my, what’s happened to him?.
his hand has plasters and his skin doesn’t look healthy, like he has inflammation or something serious going on.. he had put on weight and is all bloated and puffy .
his skin really doesn’t look good, the kind of inflammation many people notice after the experimental covid vaccines.. there have been very high numbers of people reported inflammation after the experimental covid vaccines.
'Cushing's syndrome is a disorder that occurs when your body makes too much of the hormone cortisol over a long period of time. Cortisol is sometimes called the “stress hormone” because it helps your body respond to stress. Cortisol also helps. maintain blood pressure. regulate blood glucose, also called blood sugar.'
Stress getting to him?
And if you dare take a walk on the Wild Side. Imagine if Bethel Families would take a 30-40% hit? Was AMIII (with his medical background) the Godfather on Vaccine safety?
"What we will see is completely unprecedented in terms of magnitude of the wave of morbidity and unfortunately mortality...up to 30-40% in highly vaccinated countries." -Former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation vaccine scientist @GVDBossche on VSRF LIVE.'
oh my god!
new boy stands up at conclusion of n h knorr's new boy talk in 1970, "i think i speak for everybody here.
we just want to thank you brother knorr for taking this time and sharing...".
Is e-book available?
the latest.
stkirsch24 minutes ago.
there is no question: the leaked data shows the vaccines have killed over 13 million people worldwide.
Doubtful he's a brother, more likely a neighbor.
the latest.
stkirsch24 minutes ago.
there is no question: the leaked data shows the vaccines have killed over 13 million people worldwide.
the difference is now blatantly obvious, older ones who went against direction of the gb and planned for retirement have relatively more comfortable lives.. those who trusted and followed gb direction never got further education or training, pioneered or spent most of their lives knocking on doors for free, making just enough to get by in a part time job.. if you followed direction from the gb then you thought the end was just around the corner so no need to plan for retirement.. now these ones have indeed got old which they were given the impression they never would.
they are a burden on others.
the state has to pay for them in their old age.
the latest.
stkirsch24 minutes ago.
there is no question: the leaked data shows the vaccines have killed over 13 million people worldwide.
apparently in response to the probe of jw's in japan, the wt is seeking positive stories of jw's child-rearing practices:.
from reditt: .
re: urgent: request for assistance.
the first mention i find in the wts publications is 1958. although the wts says the index goes from 1930 to 1985, nothing appears before 1958 a search only found by using the phrase "spiritual paradise" not in the index.
in 2015 there was a clarification of the phrase "of course, we should not conclude that the terms “spiritual paradise” and “spiritual temple” are the same.
the spiritual temple is god’s arrangement for true worship.".
The other expression used to excuse this nonsense is : "It was our understanding at the time"
p 55 of Captives of a Concept (Anatomy of an Illusion) By Don Cameron
lists 27 other expressions.
it’s all a big fat lie.
more precisely a big low-fat, high-carbohydrate lie.. 'it took dr. paul marik 12 weeks to prove that conventional wisdom about dieting is a lie, and that was just to himself.
he lost 35 pounds, and cured himself of type 2 diabetes.